Our company has very strong roots in education, an area that has been a priority for us ever since. The Urban and Real Estate Economics course, which was part of ELTEcon’s Applied Economics program, is inspired by the Real Estate Economics courses of leading international universities. The Real Estate Management postgraduate program at Corvinus University of Budapest, is currently the only dedicated university real estate program in Hungary. In the program, we provide a practical introduction to data analysis on real estate markets.
In addition to the above, we are also happy to offer internal trainings and workshops. From ERSTE Bank to the Risk Managers Association to the Hungarian Association of Real Estate Professionals, we have presented the possibilities of statistical based property valuation. We have delivered training courses for central bankers at the request of the IMF, for domestic bankers at the Budapest Institute of Banking, and for leading real estate experts in the Grant Thornton Masterclass series. We presented the basics of spatial data management and visualisation in Intrum.