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Studies related to the non-residential market.

Office Market Turning Points in the Financial Crisis

Original research article

In this paper we analyzed the cyclical properties of office market indicators (yield, vacancy, take-up, rent and supply) on the large dataset of nearly 100 cities. The dataset was provided by DTZ Research Institute, which makes DTZ Research data available to leading academic researchers, supplying DTZ property data to three studies each year. Our results may support the understanding of office market cycles and forecast.


Our paper in Munkaerőpiaci Tükör

We summarize the effects of the spread of work-from-home arrangements on the housing market based on international research and experience. Then we proceed to examine the connection of work-from-home and the “doughnut effect” in the context of the Budapest housing market.

Our paper was reviewed by

Hungarian Market Sentiment Survey (2011-2015)

A survey about the commercial real estate market.

A biannual publication, the Market Sentiment Survey is a collaboration between ELTINGA Centre for Real Estate Research,, and RICS Hungary. It has been designed to provide a clear picture of Hungarian senior real estate professionals’ assessment of the current yield and rental rates as well as general expectation on the market. The most recent survey of the second half of 2015 is the ninth one in a row that tracks the opinion of market participants.

Invest in Budapest: a publication about the investment environment in Budapest

A publication prepared for the Association of Real Estate Developers in Hungary

This pamphlet is aimed at potential investors: despite the current economic difficulties, what are the arguments in favour of choosing Budapest as a location for investment? Eight aspects are investigated.

Forecasts for the construction industry for eight Eastern European countries

Forecasts were made through EECFA (the Eastern European Construction Forecasting Association)

Eltinga is part of the Eastern European Construction Forecasting Association, a research cooperation of seven national institutions. Forecasts are produced for 15 subsectors of the construction sector, for Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia and Turkey. Eltinga presented the standardized methodology for the forecasts both in Moscow and in Prague.

The office market in Budapest Office Market: an overview [2012]

ELTINGA working paper on the Budapest office market.

We give on overview of how the market for Budapest offices has evolved the past ten years and how it organized now. We give special attention to the differences between Buda and Pest and the office cluster identified by industry practitioners.

Áron Horvát: Do green office buildings fetch a premium [2012]?

Talk at the FM 2012 conference “Facility management and energy efficiency”

In this talk we summarize international academic and applied research on the green/energy efficiency premia of office buildings.

A Város- és ingatlangazdaságtan kurzus tematikája.

A kurzus célja, hogy a hallgatók megismerjék a leggyakoribb ingatlanpiaci kérdéseket, képessé váljanak döntések előkészítésében való közreműködésre, és kritikusan tudják értékelni a szektorális elemzéseket. A kurzus az ingatlanpiac hosszú távú alakulásának vizsgálatával, a városok közgazdasági elemzésével indul. A második részben az ingatlanpiac ciklikus elemzéséről esik szó, végül összefoglalásként ingatlanpiaci projektek értékelésével zárunk.
A kurzus bemutatja, hogy a szakirodalom milyen közgazdasági eszköztárat kínál a gyakorló döntéshozóknak (ingatlanpiaci fejlesztőknek, befektetőknek, városirányítási szakembereknek)